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At Stonehenge
Visiting Taipei Palace
With Granny Taylor
MBA graduation at Edinburgh Business School in Scotland
Meeting President H.W. Bush in the State Department
Eagle Scout with Order of the Arrow and God & Country Award
With friends Queens County GOP Chair Phil Ragusa, Vice Chr. Vince Tabone, Chris Murray and Democratic District leader James Wu celebrating a victory in a hard fought primary race
With US Amy Chief of Staff General Peter Schoomaker discussing US Army relief efforts in Pakistan and strategic military partnerships in South Asia
Speaking in an Indonesian church on Sumatra after religious violence had resulted in several churches being burned down. While there, I was able to meet with local church leaders and help establish a truce that lasted for more than 5 years.
Speaking with Pakistan People’s Party Chairperson and Ex-Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto not long after September 11th, advising on her country’s response to the event. I have been fortunate enough to know MBB for a number years now and have acted as a Senior Advisor on US policy.
At the United Nations with Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry, Ex Prime Minister and current opposition leader of Azad Kashmir where we were having numerous meetings to help co-ordinate the relief efforts after Kashmir was struck by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake.
Local children and orphans who study at the school we built in Indonesia. My nickname is Gajah Puti or White Elephant. I would like to think that meant they knew I was a Republican. 😉
In Sumatra, my Indonesian “mother” gives me a special family heirloom sarong and declares me officially in the Batak tribe.
Speaking to kids at John Bowne High School as a Career Speaker for the Boy Scouts of America’s Explorer Learning for Life Program
Whitewater kayaking the Crystal Falls on the Colorado River, before a shoulder injury cancelled my Olympic hopes.
Paying respects to my grandparents
Senior year in High School, not long after winning the National Merit Semifinalist Award
Young state chess champion